The Venus by The Venus, released 26 October 2018 1. Ascension 2. Starbeast 3. Axial Precession 4. Lucy's Comet 5. Saturn Grind 6. Up Again 7. Satellite 8. Custodian of the Black Hole 9. The Analogue 10. Spacesick 11. Gardens of Ra 12. Drain 13. Marooned 14. My New Sun 15.

The Venus

A sci-fi surf odyssey by from the melted mind of Alexander Charos.

new album ‘Ancestor Simulator’ out now


The Venus started out as a side project for Tampa Bay musician/ producer, Alexander Charos, in 2015 after finishing the second Grapes LP “Hyper Self”. The music was a big departure from the indie folk rock of the Grapes leader who drew inspiration from his obsessions at the time: psychedelia and science fiction.

Their debut double album was originally a demo tape passed around to friends as a one hour long song entitled: The Venus. The demos turned into show opportunities and before long the band had a few tours under their belt. The early music draws heavily from the early to mid 60’s while their sophomore release ‘Ancestor Simulator’ brings into focus an Americana found in albums of the late 60’s. No psychedelic stone left unturned.

Venus albums are designed as trips and arranged to be listened to in one sitting. Ventures-esque instrumental arrangements over drum machine bleed into Syd Barret guitar freak-outs that morph into stoner country ballads. Throughout their work runs a common theme of doomy eastern melodies inspired by Alexander’s childhood in Greece.
Lyrically their songs take on themes from mid century science fiction, the Bhagavad Gita, classical philosophy, and the technological revolution of the modern era.

The Venus is not a band that tries to replicate their albums at shows. Taking cues from the jazz greats and artists like the Grateful Dead; the band doesn’t know everything that will happen on stage and intentionally leaves room for improvisation.

The Venus have had many members over the years and every line up has its own unique energy at their shows. The current lineup is the tightest yet and includes all the Charos brothers. Multi-instrumentalist and composer Philip Charos joins on guitar. Jazz virtuoso Jason Charos on trumpet. Long time collaborator Tom Dicks is featured on bass with Tampa drumming legend Logan Coats on drums rounding out the rhythm section.